The Scream franchise is not one that wants to be taken seriously as a straight horror film. From the first iconoclastic installment so many years ago, its aim, it’s very raison d’être, was to call out the conventions of slasher films and then serve up a gory slashfest to an audience primed to laugh at… Read More »
I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER is a raucous coming of age film that compresses the action into one tumultuous day and night. The day is graduation, the coming of age is done by Dennis, and the tumultuous is courtesy of the object of his longing, the eponymous Beth Cooper. It is a time fraught with… Read More »
RACING STRIPES is such a sweet, good-hearted film that one wishes that one could like it more. As it is, its a passable entertainment for kids that is hobbled badly by a formulaic plot and talking animals that, for the most part, dont have anything interesting to say. The Stripes of the title, voiced with eager… Read More »