SILVER CITY, the title of John Sayles latest film, sounds like a pale reflection of El Dorado, the mythical city of gold that European sought way back when. They were obsessed with dreams of wealth beyond imagination and the power it would buy for them. With eyes on that prize, they failed to see the… Read More »
In David O. Russells latest film, I HEART HUCKABEES, the key to happiness is not finding true love, or landing the dream job, nor even success on the material plane. The key to happiness has nothing to do with altering the external accidents of existence, but rather with changing the inner view of what existence… Read More »
Its not fair that the comparisons between SHARK TALE and FINDING NEMO are inevitable. Few films could weather being held to that high standard and not found wanting in some respects, and so it is with Dreamworks latest foray into the world of animation. Its not that SHARK TALE is a bad film, its not.… Read More »
TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE is a scatter shot film that forces one to ponder who, exactly, the target audience is. Ten-year-olds whose potty training went badly? Others whose emotional and intellectual development was arrested for that or any of a multitude of other reasons? Ultimately the only certainty is that this flick is yet another… Read More »
There is one glaring, not to mention, annoying faux pas in Leigh Wannell and James Wanns otherwise promising feature film debut, SAW. Its a testament to all that comes before and after that it doesn’t to sink this otherwise effective work. This is a horror flick that has more than a soupcon of gore, but… Read More »
THE GRUDGE is that annoying blend of genuine scares and really, really dumb people. Sure, in order for most horror films to work, the principals have to be of the less than Einstein variety, lest they run screaming from the nasty whatever and end the proceedings in reel one. One, therefore, makes allowances, but suspension… Read More »
Taylor Hackford’s RAY does what the best of biopics should do, tell not just who someone is, or what someone has done, but the why behind it all, in this case Ray Charles. Based on his decades of knowing the man himself, Hackford takes facts and mixes them with a healthy dose of poetic license… Read More »
Ive been looking forward to THE INCREDIBLES ever since I saw the superbly antic trailer for it that accompanied FINDING NEMO. Thats what makes the experience of having seen it last all the more deflating. Despite first-rate CGI animation and some clever atomic 50s-style art direction, THE INCREDIBLES commits the worst cinematic sin of all,… Read More »
THE POLAR EXPRESS isnt just an astonishing achievement in animation, its also a rich feast for the eye, the mind, and even the spirit. It’s a glorious evocation of that most fragile, most beautiful aspect of the innocence of early life, the childlike wonder and whole-hearted ability to be swept away by magic. Im sure… Read More »
Brought to the screen in a manner as stylized as its chartreuse and orange color scheme, BARTLEBY updates Herman Melvilles tale of non-conformity in a dead-end 19th-century office job, Bartleby the Scrivener, to the oppressive world of the 20th-century dead-end office job. That would be a public records office run by newly appointed Boss, David… Read More »
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