The thing about Jude Law is that he is so unbelievably beautiful. Such is his pulchritude, not to mention his irresistible onscreen charm, that its easy to overlook the undeniable acting chops that are greater even than the sum of his more ephemeral gifts. In ALFIE, Charles Shyer’s re-make of the 60s classic that starred… Read More »
KINSEY opens with the face of Peter Sarsgaard in close-up looking directly into the camera and asking questions of a sexual nature. An offscreen voice stops him when he uses a euphemism for a sexual act. No, says the voice that we will shortly learn is Kinseys, it wont work unless you are completely straightforward,… Read More »
There are many things that an action-adventure flick should be and NATIONAL TREASURE manages to not be most of them. For over two hours, there are car chases, shoot-outs, snarling bad guys, a snarky side-kick, and, because this is the typically overproduced Jerry Bruckheimer effort, explosions, the first a restrained 15 minutes into the proceedings.… Read More »
Theres a reason that the animated television series Spongebob Squarepants has such a rabid following not just among the pre-teen set, but also among college kids and adults. Its funny with pitch-perfect timing and a self-conscious sense of its own absurdity. Those in the single-digits age-wise can enjoy the general goofiness of Spongebob and his… Read More »
CHRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS, based on the novel by John Grisham, is a singularly mirthless experience that could easily drain the last drop of holiday cheer from old St. Nick himself. Billing itself as a comedy, it lacks any of the requisite components to actually be one. There is no satirical edge, there is no… Read More »
There is so very much that is so very irksome about BLADE TRINITY, the third installment in the Blade series and the one with the least reason to exist, that one scarcely knows where to begin. One is tempted to sum it all up with a short sentence warning potential audiences to stay away, but… Read More »
One senses that in BIRTH everyone concerned was laboring under the delusion that they were creating high art. Let me put the brakes to that. What could have been an interesting consideration of love being stronger than death in more ways that one is, instead, an unpalatable trifle that plays more as a comedy that… Read More »
Crash and burn is a painfully apt metaphor for the life of Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) as told in Martin Scorseses THE AVIATOR. We even see two such events in the course of its almost three hours of running time. Unlike the tidier myth of Icarus, though, Hughes story is more than just genius meeting… Read More »
In THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU. Wes Anderson, of RUSHMORE and THE ROYAL TENNENBAUMS fame, again works in a rarified atmosphere with his unique auteurs voice that will leave some viewers wondering what all the fuss is about and other flinging hosannas to heaven. He blithely flits from the sublime to the ridiculous and… Read More »
SPANGLISH is neither particularly good, nor particularly dreadful. Its weak point provide an almost perfect counterbalance to its drawbacks, rendering it the sort of thing you might hit upon while flipping channels when nothing else is on, or buy a ticket for if everything else at the multiplex is sold out. In it, James L.… Read More »
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