What I like best about my annual interview with John Wilson, founder of and driving force behind The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation isnt the sport he makes of the previous years worst films. Though there is plenty of pointing and laughing during the phone conversation, the best part for me is the intelligent way Wilson parses whats wrong with Hollywood, and the studios behind that wrong. This year he was full of wry witticisms about robots from space, Civil War veterans on Mars, vampires and werewolves in love, and what Adam Sandler really thinks of his audience, but he went on to examine how overblown failures impact your local theater in ways you might not have realized, and why trying to create a blockbuster has as much to do with politics or real-life disasters than anything else. Wilson is a man who loves movies, the high-brow, the low-brow, and especially those that are so bad theyre good. What he doesn’t love is people with too much money, too much ego, and not enough smarts about what makes a movie worth watching. He also reveals his favorite film of 2011, Max Winkler’s CEREMONY, and why this delightful little delightful indie made his day.
Head Berry John Wilson is the founder and driving force behind the Foundation. For the last 31 years, his organization has performed the valuable public service of handing out the Razzies to the worst of the worst from Hollywood. For this, the 32nd year, the public has been invited to get involved via Rotten Tomatoes by voting in one of the categories, an honor usually reserved only for the Razzies voting membership. With so much to discuss, including Adam Sandler, Transformers, and, for the first time ever, Wilson’s favorite >good< film of 2011, we started with the Rotten Tomatoes-Razzie partnership and brought the chat full circle by ending there, too.
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