Last fall, when I saw William Gazeckis intriguing documentary, CROP CIRCLES: QUEST FOR TRUTH, I came away wanting to see more. Now that CIRCLES is out on DVD, I get my wish. Though, to be honest, I still want to see more, but then Gazecki has found a topic that is endlessly fascinating and seemingly inexhaustible.
The transfer to DVD is very nice, which helps the sometimes less that perfect film quality of the interview sequences. I hasten to add that though the production values vary throughout, with some sequences leap years ahead of others technically, the aerial shots of the circles themselves are stunning. As for the rest, Gazecki presents a series of talking heads that are never less than enormously interesting and passionate about the topic, whether they view it as a scientific, supernatural, or a metaphysical phenomenon. Whatever your opinion of the relative merits of their arguments, those arguments are so compelling that you cant help but come away with your paradigm shifted.
The extras delve further into two issues that were but lightly touched on in the theatrical release: the intense interest military helicopters show for the balls of light that often accompany the crop circle phenomenon, and a wonderfully cloak-and-dagger tale of an attempt by the CIA to launch a misinformation campaign. There is also a series of short but enaging interviews with Gazecki himself on various topics such as the croppies who make a study of this phenomenon, and the experience of being in a crop circle. The stills gallery of the circles allows longer contemplation than the shots in the film. And once again we see the great boon a DVD can be. If youre like me, youll find yourself re-watching particular chapters, for me, the one entitled intelligent design, showing the geometric foundations underlying the layout of the crop circles warranted another look, as did the ones on sacred geometry and fractals.
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