I do love a prologue that perfectly sets up the film it introduces, and one of the nicest ones I’ve seen lately is to be found in Osgood Perkins’ THE MONKEY, based on a short story by Stephen King and turned into an impudent horror film that is scary as hell and twice as funny.… Read More »
There is much to unpack in Jordan Peele’s deeply disturbing, darkly funny horror film, US. As it twists and turns through its doppelganger premise, the scariest part of the action isn’t the fear of home invasion by strangers out for slow, painstaking revenge.
The best caper films keep us guessing even while we’re watching the caper in progress. In that way, NOW YOU SEE ME 2 succeeds admirably. The return of the The Horsemen, a band of underground magicians dedicated to truth, justice, and outsmarting everyone around them, including each other, provides several set pieces that are fine… Read More »
The Nature and Nurture of TWINSTERS
Place this in the truth is stranger than fiction category. Twin sisters, born in Korea, separated at birth and growing up on separate continents. One, Samantha Futerman, pursues an acting career in Los Angeles, scores a few movie roles and a popular online video. A friend of her French-raised sister, Anais Bordier, sees the video,… Read More »